Original Xbox HDD Upgrade : Hardmod Only (2TB and under / ANY Bios)

This Guide is to setup a HDD for use in the original Xbox on PC, without the need for an AIO disc on the Xbox like Hexen or OGX Installer or Slayers. This will install a Fresh modded C, and E drive with 'recommended' applications and dashboards like Xbmc4Gamers / Xbmc-Emustation. This does NOT install ANY Games.

There's a CLEAN E - With no preinstalled extra Applications, Bar Dashboards

This is for Hardmodded systems only. DO NOT attempt to use this with a softmodded system.  TSOP Flashed or Chipped - No matter on the method. You WILL need the 2 Zips provided in the link to preload the data onto the C and E partitions.


Fatxplorer Beta 3 - With Driver installed

Sata HDD With either USB HDD Caddy or Direct connection to the motherboard
PATA to SATA HDD Adapter for the Xbox and a hardmodded Original Xbox 

Xbox C and E Download 

Xbox C and E Download

Click the box above and download as SINGLE ZIPS. 

DON'T extract the C and E Zip files. Put them in an easy to browse to folder

If you DON'T want any extra applications like Enigmah, Or Xblast, Choose 'No Extra APPS' Zip file, this only has dashboards.

Step 1

Open FatXplorer : Click Formatting tools 

Step 2

Select Original Xbox HDD

Step 3

*Important* - Select your XBOX drive. Do NOT select a PC drive with your Data or OS on.

Press NEXT once selected. 

Step 4

Select LBA Increasing BIOS Partition Table or CERBIOS if using Cerbios.

Press NEXT Once Selected 

Step 5

If your drive is 2TB this is what your partitions will look like. They are split between F and G

Check for here if Below and Make sure it matches roughly your drive size.

EG - 1TB / 500GB / 250GB ( will update with sizes )

Press NEXT if your drive looks correct compared to drive size ( Minus the C and E partition Sizes ) 

Step 6

Data Partition E will be selected first.

Click Browse for Zip

Click Browse

 Now look to where you have the provided 'Xbox E Backup.Zip' . Select it and it will show the path to the zip, as shown above.

Step 7

Click the drop down arrow and select

:Shell Partition C 

Step 8

 Click Browse for Zip


Now look to where you have the provided 'Xbox C Backup.Zip' . Select it and it will look like the picture above

 If C and E have the zips in the bottom bar, Press NEXT

Step 9

Proceeding here will format the drive and all it's contents. Make sure your settings are correct.

To proceed with the format and Preload - press FORMAT 

Step 10

Your HDD is now formatting, And Preloading the C and E drive ready to be used in your hardmodded system.

When this is complete you can 'Disconnect safely' from the PC, Connect to the xbox and it will boot to UnleashX ( If Using Cerbios it will boot to XBMC4Gamers)